SoCo Heating and Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water heaters’

The 4 Stages of a Water Heater Leak: Repair or Replacement?

Monday, May 20th, 2024
Pouring water in the kitchen

For any of the uninitiated, water heaters can leak. This isn’t something to be ashamed of, and there isn’t a tank water heater in existence that is “leakproof.” They are all theoretically designed to withstand all of these problems and never leak, but different factors can cause a water heater to leak regardless of how it was designed.

This is true for most plumbing appliances, and we like to take a realistic look at the problems that our customers deal with on a regular basis. So, don’t feel bad if your water heater is leaking.

But does that leak require repair or a full hot water heater replacement in Monument? This is the tricky part, and something we’d argue that only a professional water heater team could surmise. Keep reading to learn the four stages of your water heater leak, and when it might be time to call it quits.

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