Get to Know Your Furnace Better

January 30th, 2023

Furnaces are the most common heating appliance in the country, but when asked about how they work or how efficient they might be, customers can be at a loss. It’s not anyone’s fault, reliable resources can be hard to find online, and people generally have a different ideas in their heads about how a furnace might look or work.

Well, let’s start from scratch. In order to know how badly you might need furnace repair in Colorado Springs, CO, you’re going to need to know a little bit about your furnace. This blog is going to be a bit of an introductory level course on your furnace, what it is, how it works, and how it works hard to both heat your home and keep you safe.

Then, hopefully you’ll be in good shape to make the winning call when you need to decide the next steps to take with your malfunctioning furnace system.

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The Problem With Old Wiring

January 16th, 2023

Around the turn of the 20th century, it became common for homes to be built with access to electricity. Wires were hooked up in basements and rooftops, fuse boxes were set up in houses throughout the area, and homeowners began picking up electrical appliances they could use right in their own houses. The electrification of America happened swiftly and efficiently.

However, a lot has changed since then, and electrical appliances require more energy than they ever did. Not only that, but the methods we use to set up a home with electricity are much different than those older methods. The ancient knob and tube wiring you might see in an old barn or farmhouse is very outdated at this point, and you might need to call a professional electrician in Colorado Springs, CO to get it replaced.

Here are a few reasons why your electrical system might be too old to keep around.

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Last-Minute Gift Ideas 

December 19th, 2022

Thoughtful Last-minute Christmas Gifts from SoCo Heating and Cooling

Are you struggling to come up with the perfect present? Don’t know what to get the one who has it all? Think outside of the box this year!

SoCo Heating and Cooling is selling wrapped Whole House Air Purifiers or Humidifiers.  We will wrap and hand deliver the Humidifier or Air Purifier. You’ll have it just in time to put under the Christmas Tree, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the holiday season. Let us help you take one thing off your very busy plate!

Please call us at 719-497-2777 to coordinate your Humidifier or Air Purifier’s arrival and installation.  The idea behind this is so that you will have a cool gift for your loved one to unwrap and we will install the item when it’s good for them! Installation needs to be scheduled within 30 days after the holiday.

Click here to coordinate your next holiday gift now with SoCo Heating and Cooling! So Cool. So Cozy.

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The SoCo Air Filter FAQ

December 19th, 2022

We’ve mentioned air filters multiple times on our blogs, but we haven’t really dedicated a blog specifically to them yet. These components are special when compared to other heating system components, because they’re specifically designed to be addressed by a homeowner.

We think it’s a bad idea to just open your furnace up and start fiddling with the components. You can void your warranty and run into some serious problems, even safety concerns. But your air filter is located in a safe place that’s outside of your furnace box where it can be easily lifted out and a replacement can be placed back in. This is what makes this component unique.

So, let’s discuss any questions you might have about your air filter and make sure that all of our customers are on the right page with how to treat this powerful yet sensitive component of your heating in Colorado Springs, CO!

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Our Holiday Heating Tips

December 5th, 2022

Have you ever made it through a cold winter without worrying about your heating system once or twice? It happens and depending on your situation, it could happen multiple times a week.

We depend on these systems to keep us happy and comfortable, and a broken-down heating unit can turn a wonderful holiday season into a nightmare scenario.

Well, customers that go out of their way to do their diligence and take care of their heating systems actually get more out of them than people who neglect these important pieces of technology. If you’re willing to go the extra mile this season, then you might be able to get more out of your heating system for less.

Let’s talk about our holiday heating tips. And don’t forget to contact our pros for heating services in Castle Rock, CO if you run into any problems that are beyond your control.

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3 Reasons to Call for Water Heater Repairs

November 21st, 2022

Water heater repairs might be a tricky topic. It’s sometimes hard to tell what’s a plumbing repair and what’s a water heater repair, since they both work together to get you the hot water you need. A loose pipe could leak, but if that loose pipe is intricately connected to your water heater, then it might even be a problem associated with the tank. Ultimately, only a professional is going to be able to diagnose a problem with certain accuracy.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be more informed on what kinds of common repairs we see! For water heater service in Castle Rock, CO, there are some telltale signs that the water heater is in rough shape and needs some professional assistance. These aren’t just rumors or opinions, these are factual occurrences you can use to determine whether or not it’s time for you to call a professional from our team to help you out.

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Furnace Noises and What They Mean

November 7th, 2022

So, you’re the proud owner of a furnace system that works hard to keep you warm throughout the winter. Congratulations! Gas furnaces are some of the most efficient and effective heating systems on the market, and they really don’t break the budget like some other heating systems might. There are several reasons why they’re the most common heating system in America.

Now, in order for your furnace to run exactly how it’s intended to, it needs to be repaired when something goes wrong. Detecting a problem that requires Colorado Springs furnace repair can be tricky, especially if you’re not trained in the HVAC industry. This blog post is for homeowners that are hearing strange or distressing noises coming from their heating system. We’ll talk about what these sounds mean, why they’re occurring, and what you can do about them.

Here’s a hint–you can call our team for fast diagnosis and repairs!

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“Help! I Turned on My Heater But It Won’t Heat!”

October 24th, 2022

Oh no! What a pesky problem. It’s usually enough to ruin someone’s day. And compound this kind of heater malfunction with other things that can go wrong on a given day, and we can understand why our customers might be struggling. Well, the good news is that you’re in the right place. Our team is full of heating experts that can help you with your heating system.

Depending on the type of heater you have and the specific issue at hand, you might require different solutions, like a quick fix or more extensive heating repairs. Heat pumps require different repairs than gas furnaces.

Keep reading to learn more about what might cause this kind of problem, and whether or not it’s safe. Otherwise, call our team for fast and effective heating service in Colorado Springs, CO! We’ve got your back.

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Why Do Heat Pumps Require Maintenance Twice a Year?

October 10th, 2022

This is a question that customers ask us a lot, and it’s one that requires a bit of an explanation. Heat pumps sometimes feel like the only appliances in the whole world that require routine maintenance twice a year, while all other types of systems seem like they can be maintained yearly. What gives?

Well, your home comfort is what gives! You see, heat pumps work tirelessly throughout the entire year to keep an entire home comfortable. Spring, summer, fall, and even through the winter, a heat pump is still responsible for transferring heat from one place to another.

Down below, we’re going to talk a bit about how your heat pump can do so much for your home, while also mentioning some of the benefits of heat pump maintenance in Colorado Springs. Just make sure you give our team a call and schedule an appointment early!

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Get Ahead of the Line With Heating Maintenance Now

September 26th, 2022

Heating maintenance is a vital service that can seriously benefit your budget, your home comfort, and your energy efficiency. Not only that, but getting maintenance done now, before the cold winter hits, is going to be a great idea to alleviate stress and grant you peace of mind. It always feels better having a trained professional come to your home and give you the green light for the rest of the year.

However, when it comes to joining the cozy club and investing in heating maintenance in Colorado Springs, CO, there are many people who need more information. How does maintenance work? Why would I invest in maintenance now, rather than in the wintertime?

These are great questions, and ones that we will answer down below. Knowledge is power, and we hope to inform our customers so they can treat their HVAC systems with care!

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